
Statistical Thinking in Python

Graphical EDA

  • EDA – Exploratory Data Analysis

Python Libraries in Use matplotlib.pyplot as plt seaborn as sns numpy as np

Most Common Plots:

  • Histogram
  • Bee Swarm Plot
  • Box Plot
  • Scatter Plot
Bee-Swarm Plot
# Create bee swarm plot with Seaborn's default settings
_ = sns.swarmplot(x='species', y='petal length (cm)', data=df)

# Label the axes
_ = plt.xlabel('species')
_ = plt.ylabel('petal length (cm)')

plt.show() # Show the plot
Box Plot
_ = sns.boxplot(x='east-west', y='dem_share', data=df_all_states)
_ = plt.xlabel('region')
_ = plt.ylabel('percent of vote for Obama')
!box-plot.png center 380
  • IQR – interquartile range, which is from lower quartile (Q1, 25th perc.) to upper quartile (Q3, 75th perc.)
Scatter Plot
# Make a scatter plot
_ = plt.plot(versicolor_petal_length, versicolor_petal_width, marker='.', linestyle='none')

# Label the axes
_ = plt.xlabel('versicolor petal length')
_ = plt.ylabel('versicolor petal width')

# Show the result
ECD Function
  • ECDF – Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function
def ecdf(data):
	"""Compute ECDF for a one-dimensional array of measurements."""
	n = len(data) # Number of data points
	x = np.sort(data) # x-data for the ECDF
	y = np.arange(1, n+1) / n # y-data for the ECDF
return x, y

Plotting multiple ECDFs:

# Compute ECDFs
x_set, y_set = ecdf(setosa_petal_length)
x_vers, y_vers = ecdf(versicolor_petal_length)
x_virg, y_virg = ecdf(virginica_petal_length)

# Plot all ECDFs on the same plot
_ = plt.plot(x_set, y_set, marker='.', linestyle='none')
_ = plt.plot(x_vers, y_vers, marker='.', linestyle='none')
_ = plt.plot(x_virg, y_virg, marker='.', linestyle='none')

# Annotate the plot
plt.legend(('setosa', 'versicolor', 'virginica'), loc='lower right')
_ = plt.xlabel('petal length (cm)')
_ = plt.ylabel('ECDF')

# Display the plot

Quantitative EDA

[! info ] Python Libraries in Use numpy as np scipy.stats as st

  • Outliers – data points, whose values are most far from the most of others.
Mean, Median & Mode
mean = np.mean(versicolor_petal_length)
median = np.median(versicolor_petal_length)
mode = st.mode(versicolor_petal_length)
np.percentile(df, [25, 50, 75])
Variance & St. Deviation
differences = versicolor_petal_length - np.mean(versicolor_petal_length)
diff_sq = differences**2 # squared the diff
variance_explicit = np.mean(diff_sq)

variance_np = np.var(versicolor_petal_length)

print(variance_explicit, variance_np)
variance = np.var(versicolor_petal_length)

# Compute the covariance matrix: covariance_matrix
covariance_matrix = np.cov(versicolor_petal_length, versicolor_petal_width)

# Extract covariance of length and width of petals: petal_cov
petal_cov = covariance_matrix[0][1]
Pearson Correlation Coefficient
def pearson_r(x, y):
	"""Compute Pearson correlation coefficient between two arrays."""
	# Compute correlation matrix: corr_mat
	corr_mat = np.corrcoef(x, y)
	return corr_mat[0,1]

# Compute Pearson correlation coefficient for I. versicolor: r
r = pearson_r(versicolor_petal_length, versicolor_petal_width)

Thinking Probabilistically – Discrete Variables

[! info ] Python Libraries in Use numpy as np numpy.random matplotlib.pyplot as plt custom ECD Function from stat-thinking-py#Graphical EDA#ECD Function

Pseudo RNG
  • RNG – Random Number Generator Pseudo generator, because exact seed gives exact "random" number.
seed = 2
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) # pseudo random generator
print(rng) # rng-object

random_numbers = rng.random(size=4) # amount of random-generated numbers
# Instantiate and seed the random number generator
rng = np.random.default_rng(42)

# Initialize random_numbers array
random_numbers = np.empty(100000)

# Generate random numbers by looping over range(100000)
for i in range(100000):
    random_numbers[i] = rng.random(size=1)
# Plot a histogram
_ = plt.hist(random_numbers)
Bernoulli Trials
# Instantiate and seed random number generator
rng = np.random.default_rng(42)

# Initialize the number of defaults
n_defaults = np.empty(1000)

# Compute the number of defaults
for i in range(1000):
    n_defaults[i] = perform_bernoulli_trials(100, 0.05)

# Plot the histogram with default number of bins; label your axes
_ = plt.hist(n_defaults, bins=50, density=True)
_ = plt.xlabel('number of defaults out of 100 loans')
_ = plt.ylabel('probability')
!bernoulli-stat-thinking.png center 350
Exercise: Will the bank fail?

Plot the number of defaults you got from the previous exercise, in your namespace as n_defaults, as a CDF. The ecdf() function you wrote in the first chapter is available.

If interest rates are such that the bank will lose money if 10 or more of its loans are defaulted upon, what is the probability that the bank will lose money?

# Compute ECDF
x, y = ecdf(n_defaults)

# Plot the ECDF with labeled axes
_ = plt.plot(x, y, marker='.', linestyle='none')
_ = plt.xlabel('x')
_ = plt.ylabel('y')

# Compute the number of 100-loan simulations with 10 or more defaults
n_lose_money = np.sum(n_defaults >= 10)
print('Probability of losing money =', n_lose_money / len(n_defaults))
Binomial Distribution, PMF & CDF
num_of_bernoulli_trials = 60
probability_of_success = 0.1
sample_size = 10000

rng.binomial(num_of_bernoulli_trials, probability_of_success, size=sample_size)

Binomial CDF Plot

# Take 10,000 samples out of the binomial distribution
n_defaults = rng.binomial(100,0.05,size=10000)

# Compute CDF
x,y = ecdf(n_defaults)

# Plot the CDF with axis labels
_ = plt.plot(x,y,marker='.',linestyle='none')
_ = plt.xlabel('# of successes')
_ = plt.ylabel('cdf')

!bin-dist-cdf.png center 350
Poisson Processes
# Draw 10,000 samples out of Poisson distribution: samples_poisson
samples_poisson = rng.poisson(10, 10000)

# Print the mean and standard deviation
print('Poisson: ', np.mean(samples_poisson), np.std(samples_poisson))

# Specify values of n and p to consider for Binomial: n, p
n = [20, 100, 1000]
p = [0.5, 0.1, 0.01]

# Draw 10,000 samples for each n,p pair: samples_binomial
for i in range(3):
	samples_binomial = rng.binomial(n[i], p[i], size=10000)
	# Print results
	print('n =', n[i], 'Binom:', np.mean(samples_binomial), np.std(samples_binomial))
